The Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry (Swiss-CP-Reg) is a national medical registry for research on cerebral palsy in Switzerland. The Swiss CP-Reg collects medical information about children diagnosed with cerebral palsy in Switzerland and manages it in a central database. For example, the Swiss CP Reg allows in-depth insights into the underlying aetiology, imaging, comorbidities, functional level of affected patients and therapeutic approaches. Likewise, the registry provides a research platform for all professionals with an interest in cerebral palsy in Switzerland and enables the recruitment of in-depth studies (nested studies). The Swiss-CP-Reg is linked to the Surveillance Group of Cerebral Palsy in Europe. The Swiss CP-Reg was founded in 2016 by a group of Swiss paediatricians with special interest in cerebral palsy. It is located at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine in Berne (under the direction of Prof. Claudia Kuehni) and is subject to a steering committee of pediatricians from all regions of Switzerland. Sebastian Grunt is the current president of the steering committee. The Swiss-CP-Reg is sponsored by the Foundation Cerebral and the Anna Müller Grocholski Foundation.